To stay at the forefront of our field, our clinicians regularly attend trainings, workshops, and engage in further study to broaden their knowledge and understanding of their chosen specialty. Each workshop, class and course offers a new perspective on the way we deliver therapy to our patients, and we love translating our learning into delivering the best possible level of care.

Recently our Principal Osteopath Guy Gold attended an invitation-only weekend-long workshop with renowned Osteopath Laurie Hartman. Laurie Hartman is Associate Professor of Osteopathic Technique at the British School of Osteopathy and, along with his wife Susan Hartman, is one of the most highly acclaimed Osteopaths in the world. He has taught at the BSO since 1965, and at Osteopathy schools in the USA, France, Japan, Belgium, Spain, Australia, Canada, Germany, and Scandinavia. Laurie authored The Handbook of Osteopathic Technique, widely regarded as the leading text in its field. He delivers training in over 17 countries and continues to contribute significantly to the development of Osteopathic technique.
Guy attended two weekend-long masterclass workshops, attended by 20 highly regarded Osteopaths from all over the world. Led by Laurie, the workshops included hands-on practical exercises and discussions around technique, new research in the field of Osteopathy and an opportunity to share ideas among passionate and dedicated Osteopaths.
“It is always a privilege to learn from Laurie. His experience and his commitment to travelling and training Osteopaths from all over the world mean that he has amassed so much wisdom - and has continually updated his approach through the incredibly rich collaborative conversations that happen in these masterclasses,” says Guy. “Development opportunities like these are really invigorating for us as clinicians.”
Laurie Hartman has devised an approach focused on identifying the most effective vectors of motion in manipulation actions, so that effective treatment can be obtained with minimum force. This is a highly refined approach with an emphasis on safe, comfortable, sophisticated technique. He has collected techniques from all over the world - including a technique pioneered by our own Guy Gold, which he referenced during the workshop!
“These classes have brought an enhanced eloquence to many of the techniques I am using in my work,” says Guy. “It is so satisfying as a clinician who has been practising for over 20 years to still have the opportunity to learn and grow and refine my work, and to spend time talking shop with a real master like Laurie."
If you’d like to book an appointment for Osteopathy with Guy, or any other of our experienced clinicians, you can do so via our Booking page. If you have any questions about Osteopathy, please feel free to have a look at our FAQ page, or, if you’d like to talk to us, to contact us here.