In light of the current Coronavirus outbreak, Guy Gold & Associates would like to reassure all our patients and clients that we are following the daily updated guidelines issued by the Government and Public Health England, and specific professional advice from the General Osteopathic Council, the Institute of Osteopathy and the Academy of Physical Medicine.
We have established new protocols for operating in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, to protect the safety of our patients, our staff and the general public.
Our new protocols address the following areas.
Comprehensive staff trainings:
Guy Gold & Associates COVID-19 Standard Operating Procedures and Safeguarding Policy
Online Triage and Consultations
Understanding PPE
Understanding Infection Prevention and Control Measures
Educating Patients and Caregivers
Maintaining Staff Wellbeing
Cleaning Protocols.
Protecting those in our premises:
Screening of patients to determine whether they are in a risk-category or symptomatic before they attend the premises
Managing patient appointments to minimise overlap and maintain social distancing in the waiting area
Scheduling half an hour between each and every appointment to allow time for aeration, cleaning and sanitisation
Establishing working protocols to maximise the distance between staff members
Establishing self-assessment of symptoms protocols for staff members
Offering ongoing Osteopathic and Physiotherapeutic patient support for isolating or symptomatic patients via video consultation.
Heightened levels of hygiene:
Decluttering of clinic spaces to minimise surface areas for sanitisation
Provision of hand sanitisers for patients and staff and protocol established for moments in patient journey when sanitisation occurs
Procurement of hospital grade cleaning and sanitisation products for all surfaces
Removal of clinic linens and replacement with medical-grade vinyl covers and pillowcases which can be decontaminated
Cleaning protocol established for all areas of premises.
In-clinic sessions:
Patients to confirm following booking that they will not attend appointments if experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms
Clinician to perform risk assessment triage before commencement of treatment to ascertain patient’s symptom status
Clinician to wear NHS-approved full PPE during treatments
Clinicians trained in donning and doffing PPE procedures
Patients to wear face masks and sanitise hands before treatment
Alternative treatment techniques to be used where necessary to reduce proximity and aerosol creation.
For more information on our safeguarding procedures, please ask your clinician for a copy of our policy document during your appointment.